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Less is more, girlfriend


To focus on Hayu's core values, we removed all redundant complexity, whilst taking the time to improve features that aid content discovery and benefit the audience most. This strategic reduction of features means the service is more efficient to run and more rewarding to use.

The challenge

A sweeping redesign to reduce churn and refocus on what Hayu does best – reality on demand.

Hayu users really love reality TV, but the subscription has to be worth it, and despite a great catalogue, users were finding it difficult to discover new content.

Do one thing well: originally, the service had an overabundance of features - playlists, short-form content, articles and a multitude of content filters but users just wanted to watch reality TV.

Drive interest in new genres of programming offered by recently acquired content rights.

Adapt a recently refreshed brand into a design system that works across digital devices. Reduce technical issues: deliver a service which is easier to manage, with less margin for error.

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Our approach

Our work on the new Hayu product consisted of two distinct projects. The first a 6-week discovery and concept piece where prototypes were tested with Hayu users and modified as we progressed. The resulting findings gave us enough evidence to achieve stakeholder buy-in and progress to a 14-week production project where design was refined and documented in detail for sprint-by-sprint delivery to the build team.

The outcome

A streamlined product that does the heavy lifting for the audience, increases engagement, and encourages viewers to consume a wider range of content.

All work
Less is more, girlfriend