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Re-inventing a regional icon

Tech Consultation

Ostmodern was asked by SRMG (Hia's parent company) to reimagine the future of the website for its market-leading fashion brand, Hia: a publication for empowered women in the Middle East and North Africa.

The challenge

To create a top-tier digital experience solution for Hia, the leading fashion magazine in the Middle East. Focusing on revolutionising the reader experience, attracting new users to the platform and providing captivating multimedia content. We aimed to do this by providing seamless interactivity and easy sharing capabilities. Also, utilising state-of-the-art tech, enhanced features and innovative tools.

Maintaining brand equity with loyal audiences

Hia has a long-standing position as the authority on all things fashion and lifestyle in the Middle East. This meant maintaining its relationship with 30 years' worth of loyal, legacy readers. It was imperative to preserve the high-end image of the traditional magazine while engaging audiences with its new digital assets.

Elevating the user experience to attract the Gen-Zs

Ensuring a future-proof strategy for long-term growth meant engaging digital natives, Gen Z. Hia would need to earn the attention of these potential users by creating a seamless omnichannel experience when engaging with brands.

Competing in a world where luxury content is becoming more dynamic and diverse

Delivering innovative shopping solutions and social integrations is the key to retaining its position as a market leader and allowing Hia to position itself where it can leverage subscriptions and monetisation strategies.

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Our approach

We explored opportunities around content discovery, structure, multichannel experiences, storytelling and onward journeys. We dug deep into ways to monetise the user experience through e-commerce journeys, advertising, sponsorships, acquisition and loyalty.

Narrowing down product principles

We aimed to develop a product that provided its readers with curated and meaningful content steeped in authenticity. Standing as the best in class when it comes to revolutionary functionality and inspiring its readers, improving relationships and advancing careers. Ultimately delivered via a visually striking experience.

Brand implementation

It was important to test the design direction, which we developed alongside the concept work. Applying what we learned when we delivered a reskin from a UI perspective to the prototype helped us to test the UX and UI.

The outcome

A leading experience in the fashion world that engages readers with a range of quality content and experiences. All the while leveraging strategic monetisation models through tiered subscriptions. Finally, adapting to the needs of online shoppers and making the product more accessible via a mobile app.

All work
Re-inventing a regional icon